Go Red, White, AND Blue

Following Tragic Incident, University Makes Right Decision

At 3:30pm EST on Thursday, September 13, the University of Michigan announced the postponement of this weekend's football contest against Western Michigan University. I don't think you'll find a more dedicated group of Michigan fans than the ones you can see by scrolling through the pages of this website. However, I think I speak for all of us when I say...'It's just not time for football'. To show up at the golf course at 8am for the purposes of imbibing and celebrating the football team that I love would be, at this point, disrespectful to the victims and their families, and my heart would just not be in it. I only wish there was another reason to gather and embrace the friends that I miss and share our thoughts and feelings. My suggestion to all is to spend time this weekend with your friends, your family, and reflect on what is really important.

As I updated this page, I looked back on the statements I made following the loss at Washington. "We move on... We continue to tailgate" I remember at the time I thought that our now blemished record was the most important thing in the world, as if the world was coming to an end. Now it just seems funny and insignificant. In due time, Michigan football will continue, and perhaps it will be just what we all need to get us away from the television coverage of the attack on America or the impending war on the bastards that facilitated the attack, and enjoy a college football game. I for one cannot wait to join 110,000 Americans in the singing of 'The Star Spangled Banner'. But it will just be a football game, which is what it always should have been.

We are the lucky ones. Despite the inconveniences that we have endured and will have to endure, we can all take a moment and thank God that we are alive, our family and friends are alive, and that next Saturday, we can still say "Go Blue".

Thank you for stopping by UMTailgate.com. 

God Bless America and Go Blue