They Want Revenge : Staff Predictions for Penn State

The Hammer:

I will state this once. Penn State is no better than Michigan State. In fact if we played both teams 10 times MSU would have a better chance of beating us. I hate that people are concerned about this game. That concern makes me in turn concerned. But if I allow myself to use logic and reason I come to this conclusion...

Michigan 24
Penn State 6

Play calling could be detrimental but I don't see how they score. If Trent isn't right or something flukey happens like a damn fake field goal or special teams touchdown or Chad has a brain lapse or, or, or, or...enough! We dominate. Now go to bed.

HART and HALL, book it.

Johnny Cleveland:

We head to H.V. with negatives all around as we are wounded and playing at night. JoPa seems to have a couple miracles left in him and we are just hoping we are not one of them. With that being said get ready for some old fashioned Michigan Football. We run, run and run some more unitl time of posession and field position is all the excitement we once again have.

As boring as it will be until #86 returns, it proves to be effective when you have the best defense in the country. Look for the emergence of the tight end, quite possibly young Carson Butler, to lead us to a low scoring win. Michigan 13, PSU 7

OMVP : Running Backs
DMVP : D-Line

The XBox:

Michigan blows a 14-0 first quarter lead, giving up 17 unanswered in the 2nd quarter.

Penn State 24
Michigan 17

The Webmaster:

Scared? Not really. Nervous? Nope. Wish we had Mario and that we were playing a half of a mile from where I'm typing? Yes. But this is part of the deal. Night games in fired up stadiums in the freezing cold wth a key injury...that's college football, or at least that's college football today. So let's just play Michigan football and I'll see you next week when we're 7-0. It's that simple.

Michigan 21
Penn State 10

Arrington and Woodley