Case of the Mundy's: Goody is Dead to Me Edition 11/4/07

​Sometimes people forget just who is the Webmaster of It's a shame to have to sometimes slap a man so that he remembers his place in the hierarchy of the tailgate...and tailgate website. I neither have the time nor the inclination to tear down the fragile soul of Goody, who is only a worthy adversary if we were to face off in a "who can buy the most engagement rings" contest. However, I am impressed at his new found ability to use a spellchecker before posting...or perhaps his son is reading "Dick and Jane" to him at night to help him through his illiteracy.

Moving on for today...

The weekend that was around the internet that Goody has to go to the Romulus library to log on to:

  • I really like the "reality check" line. I thought Northwestern was a reality check. You know what would really focus this team? A loss. A loss would really fire them up for Ohio State. Maybe we should throw the game to Indiana...sound crazy? Crazy as beating BALL FREAKING STATE BY ONLY 8 POINTS?!?!?!? [Detroit News]

  • Well, if the weather was bad, I would be in 100% agreement with this, but for now the worst game ever is still 34-9 pasting by Iowa on homecoming back in 2002. [Maize and Brew]

  • For a different look at the careers of the graduating seniors, try some haiku from mgoblog.

  • Still the best name in the Michigan Blogoshere....[Ronald Bellamy's Underachieving All-Stars]

  • The password is... SCARE. [Sporting News | Foxsports | Freep]

  • Bo weighs in on the Dead Schembechlers, and almost being one. [Columbus Dispatch]

Injury Report

  • Anotnio Bass: should start against Eastern Michigan

  • Mike Kolodziej: should start looking for something to do

  • Tyler Ecker: dressed for Ball State...will play against Indiana

  • Mike Massey: dressed for Ball State...will play against Indiana

  • Kevin Grady: shoulder, should be back for Indiana...more likely OSU.