Case of the Mundys, Captains Edition: 8/22/2006

Message board posts become rumors become truth in this week's edition of Case of the Mundy's. Forums on The Wolverinewere buzzing last Monday with rumors of a pair of injured offensive lineman. The players in question were Justin Boren and Mike Kolodziej, but there was no confirmation. No official comment from Michigan of course, so The Freep decided to ask mom and dad...good plan. They were happy to spill the beans, sort of.

Rounding out the injuries...

In "things Michigan will talk about" newsCoach Carr announced the captains for the upcoming seasonJake Long and Lamarr Woodley were selected by their teammates to lead the Maize and Blue onto the field for 2006...and hopefully just a little bit of 2007. For the superstitious folk, reminds us that the last time we had two captains that hailed from the great state of Michigan was in 1997.