The Staff Weighs In: Notre Dame

​I'd like to start by sharing a link to a video of Chad Henne's former coach making a pregame speech. (Thanks to Kevin Cowbell for this one). OMG.

After this week is over, I'll have some kind of composite table showing the prediction prowess of the three prognosticators and the XBox. But for now:

The Hammer:

It is fair to say, Notre Dame has not faced a defensive line like Michigan's. Hopefully that matters. Someone who apparently gets paid to write about College Football for CSTV predicted Notre Dame 45, Michigan 17. He's a graduate from Lindenwood University, the NAIA powerhouse we all know and love. This maddens me. A link here to my disrespected article might be appropriate.

Needless to say I'll be the guy in the front row with the played out "we believe" sign. (Please don't tell ND about our secondary. Yikes!)

Michigan 24
Notre Dame 20

Lamar Woodley for Heisman, Mike Hart for NFL MVP.

Johnny Cleveland:

I am Irish. I am Catholic and my favorite all time quote is "Fuck Go Blue". This will be a mismatch, for once we are prepared. Contrary to the idiots who think the tougher ND schedule helped them, our light load has given us 3 weeks+ to get ready for this one. Of course our 2 touchdown halftime lead will require us to institute our prevent and Quinn will lead them all the way back. However little does the Hammer know, our secondary will eventually appear and J. Stew will get a late pick to make it 3 for the game for Quinn and we waltz with a 35-28 victory. Tough day for the Irish, no more #2, no more title hopes, and no more Heisman hopes.

Offensive MVP: Mikey Hart
Defensive MVP: Alan Branch

The XBox:

Notre Dame 33
Michigan 18

The Webmaster:

I've watched our games against Vandy and CMU ad nauseam. I saw ND vs. GTech in its entirety. Based on that alone, I can't see how ND can match up with us. Unfortunately, like Pavlov's Dog, when the bell rings and tells me that it's the first road game of the year, and that we're playing at ND, disappointment sets in before kickoff. Six straight road openers, and I attended each of them. As far away as Seattle and as nearby as South Bend, all with similar results. Should have won. Could have won. Fell apart in the end.

And that my friends is the balancing act when it comes to this year's football season, and predicting this game. Which way to go? Pack it in and swallow your pride...or believe. Believe that this year it IS different. Believe that zone run blocking and a stunting defense is the key to success. That somehow, someway, Magic will happen inour favor. Believe that this is our time. Can you do it? Can the Wolverines?


Michigan 35
Notre Dame 24

Offensive MVP: Chad Henne
Defensive MVP: Rondell Biggs