What Happens When She Pulls the Goalie

​Exciting news from the world of procreation, as it is now official that both Tom Brady and Frank Demski have found out that their boys can swim.

I've got a few of problems with this that need to be addressed:

  1. Frank Demski has now been the highlight of two consecutive posts...even if they are 3 weeks apart.

  2. I found out second hand that the Demski's had a bun in the oven, while Tom Brady called me directly

  3. The due dates of these spawns both are scheduled to occur after Labor Day, putting them WITHIN the 2007 football season.

The trickle down effect from an event of this magnitude could effect the Godfather's attendance for early home games, including the opener against the two-time defending National Champion Mountaineers of Appalachian State. It could also overshadow Michigan's run at a National Championship, and reek havoc on the New England Patriots' preseason action. Think before you drink you selfish bastards, or you may be forced to perform a Kelke-serean.

Congrats! on making it even harder to escape from your relationships.

My god, did Bubba teach you nothing?