Not buying everyone's BS

Editors Note: FINALLY somebody else is writing!  Welcome back Johnny Cleveland...

I am breaking my silence because I am about to break some necks  I am sick and tired of all this talk of us being much improved and doubling our win total from 2008 to 6 wins in 2009.  Of course I am aware of UM peeps propensity for pessisimisity but I am not standing for it any longer.  We will not be 6 and 6.  As I saw our dilapidated crew only win 3 last season, I am not naive enough to think we are going to run the table, but as far as Michigan standards go, and my standards for that matter, 8-4 is a rebuilding season.  We are not a meddling institution that should be happy by "moving in the right direction" or "improving" on our bad season.  Last year was an anomaly, we had it coming like a stock market correction.  The pendulum swung and knocked out an era of greatness that lasted for 40 years. That year is over.  So let's not allow one season and one million detractors lower our expectations.  Not convinced yet well maybe this will help.  Even though my observations and recollections are not going to up the '08 win total, they should shed some sunshine on the fact that 6 and 6 is bullshit.

In case you forgot, we didn't have a quarterback last season.  Insert your own pent up feelings for walk on or dorkier than Navarre transfer here.  Currently we have a quarterback (or 2), so like Bill Murray in Caddyshack, "we got that going for us, which is nice".  By the way don't slough that point off with "oh yeah, but they are just unproven freshmen."  Bullshit. They are quarterbacks, I am not saying they will be good, but they are quarterbacks.

Lets start with game one '08, Utah...lost this game after a terrible showing and a valiant comeback.  We all concur we should have won this one after playing stingy Defense and forcing the Utes to settle for 5 field goals.  Oh mean possibly the worst team in Michigan history should have defeated the best team in Utah history?  Yep, I do, and we should have won with a whopping 4 yards of rushing in the first half.  This team finished #2 in the nation last year and we had them beat with 4 rushing yards in the first half.  By the way we lost by 2 points to the only undefeated team in college football.  So there you have it.  A team that was senior laden and ended up beating then #4 Alabama from the mightier than thou SEC by 14, but only measly Big Ten Bottom feeder Michigan by 2.  Did I mention that one of 2 'Bama Sugar Bowl touchdowns was a punt return?  Not a bad performance  from the Wolverines in that light now is it?  Should we compare the upstart 2009 Western Michigan team to last years Utes?  Well I guess we have to for lack of a better/similar opponent.  Well, Western is a little scary if you let them be: senior laden, high expectations, a quality senior quarterback.  Hey douchers...its Western.  We're Michigan.  We almost beat the only undefeated team in the country last year and believe me we are a lot better off now than we were then. I can guarantee little, but I can guarantee this: the Broncos will not run the table and go to the Sugar Bowl this year. Wipe off the sweat because the wolves are 1-0.

So there you have it, I am not believing in Big Ten Net announcers saying much improved 6-6.  I am not falling for all the other "publications and presses" predicting an 7th-11th place conference finish.  I am ready to break some necks, so get on board or continue your ways of cowardice, just remember I told you so.  Now get fired up, grow a mustache, do what you gotta do because its time to get All in for Michigan!

To Be Continued: Stay Tuned