Game Notes Give You Reasons to Believe

We've experienced enough change in the last 7 seasons to last a lifetime.  2005 ended and 7-5 had you clamoring for Lloyd's resignation.  2006 had us on the verge of the BCS championship.  Then we mourned Bo.  Then we shit the bed, twice.  2007 gave our enemies the ability to make us a punchline for all eternity, yet ended with "the offense you always thought we were capable of" dismantling a Florida team that no one thought we had a chance to beat.  2008-2010 brought the Rich Rod years, where we learned to be humble, where we learned how to lose, lose often, and lose badly.  By 2011, we were numb, and had very little expectations for a team made up of speed re-transitioning to a system of power.  This made each one of the 11 wins feel a little better.  And now?  Now I don't know where we are.  Which is not that different than most other years, and for most other teams.  Such is the case for college football.  Roster turnover is inevitable, new recruiting classes are always TBD, and offseason progression on a player by player basis is impossible to chart.

So here we are, 5 days from gameday.  And there is no pre-season warmup.   We are not playing Directional Michigan at home.  For all intents and purposes, we are in a Bowl Game.  A Bowl Game against an Alabama team that was last seen picking apart #2 LSU en route to a National Championship.  And us?  We were last seen squeaking by an awful Va Tech squad in overtime in New Orleans​ in one of the worst fundamental college football games in the entire bowl season.  

But like I said, things have changed since then.  It's safe to say, however, that a lot of things would have to change for the worse for Alabama, and a lot of things would have to change for the better for our Wolverines in order for this game to be competitive.  And while that's not so probable, it's certainly possible.  So yes, I'm saying there's a chance.  

The Weekly Release is out, and there's plenty of stuff in there that might help you, blinder wearing Michigan fan,  believe there's a chance too.

The Coach​:  Brady Hoke has the greatest all-time winning percentage (.846) as a head coach in Michigan history.  Fielding H. Yost is second at .833.  Who cares about sample size?  Shut up and love your coach.  He's the greatest coach of ALL TIME.

The Quarterback: ​ Michigan last faced Alabama in the 2000 Orange Bowl, where Tom Brady led the Wolverines back from a 14-point deficit....twice....on the way to the first overtime game in Michigan history and a 35-34 victory.  Denard Robinson is 420 yards away from passing Tom Brady on the all-time passing yards list.  Therefore, Denard is better than Tom Brady, and Michigan will beat Alabama.  And this 'Bama team doesn't have Shaun Alexander (or Trent Richardson).

The SEC: ​ Normally, this would be a problem for a Big Ten team, but not for Michigan.  The Wolverines boast a 24-9 record against current members of the SEC, and a 2-1 record all-time against Alabama.  In fact, Michigan has played every team in the SEC, and has a .500 or better record against all of them except Tennessee (0-1...f'n Citrus Bowl) and Mississippi State (0-1...RichRod's Gator Bowl).

September:   Michigan hasn't lost in September since the 2008 loss to Notre Dame.... that's 13 in a row.  Michigan vs. Alabama is on September 1st, which is in September.

Under the Lights:   Michigan was 3-0 last year in games with a starting time after 5pm, and is 25-12 all-time in such contests.   While you ponder when in the hell we played 37 night games (hell if I know), allow me to make the assertion that we have a 2 out of 3 chance of winning this game because it will be dark out.  Wait...what about night games in domes?  Oh well.

Draw your own conclusions by reading the gamenotes yourself.  There's lots of stuff in there, most of which is from the department of "Michigan is the shit,"​ so try to just slowly sip the kool-aid as opposed to guzzling it.