Weekend Roundup, Apocalypse Now Edition: August 25, 2014
/Tiger Blood's dad!
It's almost time. I mean, technically, it IS time. It's game week. Camp is over. Practices will focus on an opposing team, on a game plan more than a technique. Blogs will discuss App State, though mostly from a "what happened last time" and "it's so dumb that Dave scheduled this game" perspective.
It IS stupid. I'm pissed. You're pissed. The state of the program has you pissed off in general anyway. Screw it. Let's tailgate our asses off and just get Saturday over with and move on.
The home schedule is a complete pile of crap, but should provide wins. The business that needs to be dealt with happens in South Bend, East Lansing, and Columbus, and I need two out of three of those to go our way to put this season under the moniker "progress." That leaves an game in Evanston that scares me, and Under the Lights 3. So, between one and five regular season losses. Four or less keeps the Brady machine moving. Prognosticate from there on your own.
I think the above qualifies as my season prediction. A far cry from the detail that used to go into my Xbox simulated preview. I think Matt Gutierrez won the Heisman one year. I still wonder what that dude did to hand Henne the start for the opener back in '04. Oh well. Here's the weekend you missed...and it includes both a Freep link and a Rosenberg link. Yes I'm a sadist:
- Is Brady Hoke the right man for Michigan? SI.com's turncoat traitor asshat Michael Rosenberg talks about if his decision to use his position at the Free Press to have Rich Rod fired was the right one.
- UMGoBlog covers the topic of being a digital dick to our student athletes.
- Rittenburg is paging the Wolverines. It's super corny but I am hoping they answer. I mean, you weren't there for us when you pulled that screw job making us play AT Sparty two years in a row, but we'll do our best.
- Also, 10 years since our last Big Ten title. Yuck.
- Austin Hatch on The Today Show via UMHoops.
- Shotgun a beer to strike out PMS. Like the ice bucket challenge, only way cooler.
- Get off your phone and watch the game. We can be as good as soccer fans.
- Michigan has a better chance than MSU to win the Big Ten according to the ESPN Football Power Index. This caused much dismay at the Freep, who entitled their article about it "Wait, what?"...seriously.