While You Were Drinking: Makin' Bacon Edition

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  • Predicting the College Football Final Four is pretty re-damn-diculous in August, but it looks like everybody is doing it.  Sports Illustrated has us.  Jerry Palm does not, and leaves out the Big Ten entirely.  By the way, the Peppers "regional" SI cover actually is distributed in 25/50 states, including Ohio, which makes me happy just thinking about those toothless bastards putting Playboy style covers over the copies in the liquor stores - of which they have the most per capita.
  • Zach Gentry is a man with a cannon and a 250 pound frame.  But Michigan is a team with a bunch of quarterbacks, and only one can play, so Coach told Zach he's going to be a Tight End.  Zach is accepting it, which probably makes him a better (Michigan) Man than you or me.
  • Imagine what it must be like to continue to support one of the most infamous pedophiles in American history...that's the life of a Sandusky family member.  Jerry finally spoke - says his lawyers f'ed him.  Fill in your own pun here about tit for tat, etc.
  • Alex at MGo profiles the B1G West, which is a hot mess of teams that would finish 5th in the East.  Personally, I like the Wildcats coming out of that side before Fitz runs off into the sunset for one of the big openings.
  • Bo had open heart surgery 40-years ago, then basically did Michigan Replay while jogging during his recovery.  Why?  Because he's tougher than you.  And that's why he lasted another 30 years.