The Most Important News...EVER.

​I usually don't use this platform for discussion of events not pertaining to Michigan or sports in general, but the news today is so amazing, so groundbreaking, and so profound, that it may unite and define a generation. Not only that, but it may effect the next Fast Food Theme tailgate....


A link to the article is here.

Once you're done digesting that information, check out this "Chat With Matt" courtesy of Idaho State via MLive.

Life in Idaho has been great for me. I've been able to enjoy the many natural beauties in this area, and of course, the highlight has been finally being able to play football on Saturdays.

Nice. I envision a "wink wink" on that "beauties" line. Matt is trying to tell you that the drop off in playing D2 ball from playing D1 ball is equivalent to the increase in good looking chicks from Michigan to Idaho.

State Champions

Welcome to the Big Ten

They say that the game was played in a grind-it-out fashion, just like Michigan-Michigan State matchups of years ago. A world where linemen tell the story, and time of possession is second only to points. Where speed and reverses give way to braun and halfback dives. But that is simply not the story from is but half the story. Michigan State did not play that game, Michigan did.

Michigan, so rich with tradition, not only went back to their traditional ways, but took it to another level. Chris Perry had 51 carries, breaking the previous record by nine, and amassed 219 yards on the ground. Hello John L., and welcome to the Big Ten. No flash, no glamour, just three (or four) yards and a cloud of dust. We run to set up the pass, Mr. Smith, that's what we do. But you and all of your pre-game trash talk about making this a bitter rivalry only made you look as dumb as your predecessor, and you couldn't stop our run. And just so you know, we only passed for fun, Big Fun if you will, because our receivers look so good, we felt they needed camera time.

Michigan State's one-dimensional offense had nothing to offer. The only significant drive was a broken coverage bomb to one of those Michigan State receivers...sorry, I just don't remember any of their names. And by the way John L., I'm not proud of Jeff Smoker, and neither should anyone else there at your land grant college. Michigan State's window of opportunity was last year, when they had at least ONE receiver, and your re-hab hero called it quits, closing that window. It's all downhill from there John L., as you will see when you attempt to recruit, when you see that you will only get what we don't want. This is the Big Ten John L., it was here while you were at Idaho and Utah State, and it will be here after you are no doubt unceremoniously released by the 2nd rate University that employs you somewhere down the road. So, John L., I suggest that while you are here, you attempt to recruit Big Ten players and play Big Ten football. Otherwise, there will be more of the same year after year as we run it RIGHT UP THE MIDDLE and show you just how weak you really are.

A few costly mistakes made the game look good for the overmatched Spartans, as Michigan outgained them 216 to 36 on the ground with one touchdown and added three touchdowns through the air. Michgan wins 27-20.

Destiny Revisited...Revisited

Now you can officially get yourself worked up, because barring a collossal flub up in Evanston, November 22 will once again be a red-letter date in Michigan history, as the Wolverines will be aiming to end a Rose Bowl drought with a win over the Buckeyes.