Back to Crisler

​No matter how much Michigan Basketball underachieves, how disappointing the season is, and how much I wish death upon 3 of the 4 starters, there is always seems to be "just one more chance" for redemption for this team. There always seems to be a game coming up that can fix everything...if they could just find some way to be a team for 40 full minutes. So you get excited, you watch the game, you root on the team in the hopes that this is the turning point. But it never comes. And let me let you in on a little secret, it's not coming anytime soon.

The Wolverines run in the Big Ten tournament ended today with a loss to Ohio State, 72-62. A win would have most likely have put them in the NCAA tournament, as would have a win against Ohio State last Saturday, as would have a win at North Carolina State early in the year, at Illinois, at anywhere for that matter. Perhaps if we had only lost to UCLA by 17...instead of 37.

Woulda. Coulda. Shoulda.

Rosenberg said it best in his article written prior to today's loss:

...there remains a perception that Michigan's ceiling is Michigan State's floor.

MSU, with arguably its worst talent in a decade, is heading to another NCAA tournament. Michigan, with four senior starters, needs to beat top-ranked Ohio State to even get on the bubble.

The truth hurts. And while you try to settle yourself down with regards to Michigan State...think of this: In the last three years of football and basketball, Michigan is 0-9 against Ohio State.

The bright side? Getting to watch Courtney Sims play at Crisler again.

Dust Off Your Brackets

​I've received a few inquiries, and I just wanted to assure everyone that there WILL be a 2007 Tournament Challenge. If you participated last year, you will get an invitation via email. If you need an invite, send an email to to let me know who you are, and I will add you to the list. Same rules...same donation...same trash talking fun.

Meanwhile back in the Big Ten Tournament...

It's halftime at the United Center and Michigan leads 20-16. Ya, the Maize and Blue drew the coveted "weekday at noon" spot for both Thursday and Friday (if they win this abomination). You can listen live from the office for free by following the link at, but I wouldn't recommend it. See if you can find some Big East action on another station...they play real basketball.

And if you are feeling left out with all the bubble talk and bracketology that leaves your sorry-excuse-for-a-senior-laden team on the outside looking in, perhaps you should start concentrating on the more likely tournament over at NIT-ology.


A "must click" link from Deadspin's website to Johnny Cleveland's eyes to my's the Michigan Wolverines as Stacey Carosi in this Big Ten Tourney preview featuring your favorite characters from Saved By the Bell.

Batting 1.000 For 2007

​Reports are coming in from the world of the internets that Tom Brady may have knocked up a chick. Now... you may think you already knew that, or that already reported it, but you'd be wrong. Because I'm talking about another chick. That's right, the former Michigan quarterback and three-time Super Bowl champion may have managed to sire another child according to the Boston Globe.

Take a minute and reflect on what you've accomplished since the New Year. Now take a look at what Tom Brady has accomplished. You really need to get out more.

No word yet from Frank Demski on whether or not he has also put himself out to stud.

Blue Cagers Maintain A Little Dignity; Winter (Spring) Reunion Date Official

​So, it's tough to look past what took place last night, as I rarely miss an opportunity to take a jab at Sparty. Michigan beat Michigan State 67-56, splitting the series with them for the second year in a row. But given the status of the abomination that is Michigan Wolverine basketball, you might not have known, or even noticed. The front of the Free Press sports page contains only a small blurb, and it's a negative one at that. It seems like only yesterday (OK, more like the early to mid 90's) that this game was front page material on a local level and sometimes even a national level. Quite frankly, other than holding serve over the half-wits around my office, I myself care very little. This program cannot be fixed by a single win, or even a winning streak. Not today. Not on Saturday against Ohio State.

Saturday will be senior night, and the Michigan faithful will gather to pay homage to a group of young men whose talent and skill set has only regressed over their time here. What will really hit home for me is the end of the career of Courtney Sims. 

Big Ten Basketball Guru "The Wonk" remarks:
I don't know that I've ever seen a situation quite like the Sims case. Here's a senior who started the first game of his freshman year and has more or less started ever since. And he's benched in the February of his final season. Wow.

Ya, wow. The fact is, every year there was a story about Courtney's off-season. "Courtney put on 35 pounds of muscle to get tougher." "Courtney lost weight to get quicker." "Courtney went to big man camp." "Courtney joined a cult." "Courtney grew a pencil-thin mustache." In the end, Courtney played like, a Courtney. I feel like I've been bitching about him for ten years. And it's probably not all his fault. However, I don't think a coach can stop you from being a girl. It's in the genes.

Anyway, we've got Saturday against #1, then the Big Ten tourney starting next Thursday. A win Saturday plus a win in the tourney, and we just might find ourselves in the NCAA Tournament. Any other scenario (aside from a Big Ten tournament championship) will land us in the NIT. Either way, without significant improvement, next year could be the last tour of duty for Amaker's Army, a "don't ask, don't tell" type of organization.

Winter (Spring) Reunion

The official date has been set for the 2007 Winter Reunion. It will be Saturday, March 31, at Fraser's Pub in Ann Arbor. Join us for food, drinks, and to meet Goody's next wife. Festivities will start at 1:30pm, and roll all the way thru the Final Four games. Hope to see you there.

What Happens When She Pulls the Goalie

​Exciting news from the world of procreation, as it is now official that both Tom Brady and Frank Demski have found out that their boys can swim.

I've got a few of problems with this that need to be addressed:

  1. Frank Demski has now been the highlight of two consecutive posts...even if they are 3 weeks apart.

  2. I found out second hand that the Demski's had a bun in the oven, while Tom Brady called me directly

  3. The due dates of these spawns both are scheduled to occur after Labor Day, putting them WITHIN the 2007 football season.

The trickle down effect from an event of this magnitude could effect the Godfather's attendance for early home games, including the opener against the two-time defending National Champion Mountaineers of Appalachian State. It could also overshadow Michigan's run at a National Championship, and reek havoc on the New England Patriots' preseason action. Think before you drink you selfish bastards, or you may be forced to perform a Kelke-serean.

Congrats! on making it even harder to escape from your relationships.

My god, did Bubba teach you nothing?